Tuesday, August 16, 2011

GIVEAWAY!! Freaks & Geeks May Apply. Inquire Within.

A favorite moment from the short lived, but nonetheless amazing series, Freaks and Geeks, is the episode where Nick convinces Lindsay to skip school. When they arrive at his house, he immediately takes her into the garage and excitedly shows her the pieces of his drum set. As he gushes on about his love of music, he tosses an invaluable piece of information at her:

“Teachers want us to work, and I say, "Fine, I'll work. But you've gotta let me do the kind of work that I wanna do." And for me, it's my drum kit, man. This is my passion. This is the essence of who I am now. But before I had this, I was lost, too. You see what I'm saying? You need to find your reason for living. You've gotta find your big, gigantic drum kit.”

And when he says that, you know he’s hitting on exactly what Lindsay needs. She hasn’t found anything that she’s impassioned about, and she’s embarrassed by the things that she used to put her energies into, such as being a “mathlete.”  So it’s no wonder she’s feeling a little lost; she’s following the crowd instead of following her own bliss.  

Actually, this quote totally brings to mind Peggy, our Karma Captain here at Soul Flower. Peggy’s all about the follow your passion mentality. It’s something she works hard to incorporate into all the fine details that make Soul Flower what it is - the catalog, the website, the clothes; you name it – the main message that we constantly express throughout it all is: Be Kind, Be Soulful, Be Yourself…which is all about finding your passions and following them. 

Although we’re discovering ourselves and our passions throughout our lives, there is no time quite like the school years for learning what it is we need to lead a fulfilling life. It’s definitely something we need to adjust and tweak throughout our lives, but the school years teach us a lot about what we need, not only to grow up, but to make us happy.

Which is an important lesson to learn, because high school, college and life in general can get pretty complicated and hectic at times (don’t we all know it!).

Luckily, we are doing a Back-to-school Survival Kit Giveaway, because you can’t focus on learning and pursuing your life’s passion if you lack what you need to get through a crazy school day comfortably. So this survival kit will aid whomever wins on that journey towards finding their "drum kit, man." All you gotta do to enter is follow this link and either sign up for our newsletter (under join our email list) OR update your email preferences through our latest newsletter. If you WIN you will receive our Birds of a Feather Messenger Bag stuffed with:

Be Striped Tree Tapestry for an extra funky dorm room

Soul Flower Original Hoody of your choosing!

Nag Champa Incense for atmosphere

Handmade soap & perfume for that good first impression

Mukluks to keep the tootsies toasty...

Soul Flower Eco-Coolie to keep your, err, rootbeer chilly!

And don’t forget to follow your passion! Because ultimately it doesn’t matter if you’re a freak or a geek, the main thing that will define you is your happiness!

Beat your own drum, Follow your bliss,
Jacqueline Lee


  1. This is a SWEET giveaway! Yay Soul Flower! :)

  2. Way fun!! We can't wait to pick a winner! BTW, the lucky winner will be announced on Monday!! :)

  3. if we are signed up for the newsletter already, are we in the drawing?

  4. Love freaks and geeks! Seriously cannot believe it only survived one season! Love the giveaway! ...and Love SOUL-FLOWER! :)

  5. If you already get the newsletter, you just need to update your email preferences in order to be entered, a link will be in the Soul Flower newsletter that you should receive sometime today :)

  6. You guys rock! I loved that show, can't even find it on dvd :( But it's nice to remember... Very awsome giveaway Soulflower!

  7. We just Netflixed that series (again) a month ago! The last episode always makes me cry a bit as I remember taking off for Dead tour in college!! Oh and what a great blog and always awesome gear from Soulflower:))

  8. Oh man, I could totally use this right now! Whoever gets it is gonna be a lucky gal or guy.

  9. You don't have to be 18, Lisa! You just need an email account, basically. :)

  10. I absolutely agree to some factors that you have discussed on this post. Glad to have jump up on this review.

  11. Oh cool, Jacqueline! My daughter wanted to enter! Groovy!

  12. freaks and geeks rocks.Really really liked it a lot.


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