Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soul Flower's Kind Heads Donations

Since we’re busy shooting photos for Soul Flower’s Fall 2011 catalog, we figured it would be the perfect time to tell you how much it means to us when you share your Soul Flower moments with us. In fact, we love the pictures of you in your Soul Flower threads so much, we've decided to donate $1 for every picture that we publish in our photo album. Sending us your photo could help a good cause, and if we choose to publish it, we will donate that dollar. So what cause is this, you say?

Every few months, we will choose a charity close to our (and your) hearts to donate the dollars to. To help kick it all off & since it’s back to school, our first round of Kind Heads dollars will go to Vega Productions. Vega Productions mission is:

“to rebuild and revitalize music and art education in Minnesota. We [Vega Productions] strive to provide resources and programming for schools that have been forced to eliminate or reduce music and art education from their curriculum because of budget cuts."

But that is just our first cause! In order to truly spread good karma the charity we donate to will change every three months. So, from here on out the charities will be selected through a Facebook Poll by you, our fans! :) Once the poll is posted on facebook there will be a few charities to choose from; simply vote for the charity you’d like to see our proceeds go to, and that is that. The charity with the most votes will receive our Kind Heads donations.

This first poll will determine the next charity we donate to - so watch facebook for our next poll in a few months. And in the meantime.....

Get smiley and get clickin’!

Submit your smiley photos on our Facebook wall or by emailing them to photo@soul-flower.com.

Hey Buds! Just adding an updated note today (May 2,2012) to keep you posted on our Past Charities:

  • Vega Productions to help bring music into schools
  • St. Luke's Hospital to help children fighting childhood cancer

Your buds at Soul Flower

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