Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wander Trucker Hat Out...Wandering

My husband and I are a good pair, even though truthfully we’re very different. We don’t agree about politics, religion, food, or music. But we both have a deep bite from that old travel bug. We wander the world together debating the merits of social policy and eggplant and kombucha and never really come to an agreement. But that’s because we both realize and savor the journey, literally and figuratively. So when I saw this hat, I knew he had to have it.

“All who wander are not lost,” is a phrase that gets tossed around in many contexts. But J.R.R. Tolkien fans will know it’s from the The Fellowship Of The Ring. My husband is a big fan of these books so I knew that would hook him in. He’s usually not a fan of hats or t-shirts with messages, so I was a little tentative that this hat would get nowhere with him. But he went for it - Score!

Of course he wears it on all kinds of wandering journeys from kayaking to sailing to geo-caching with our 7 year old son. Here he is in the cockpit of our boat checking the GPS. Are we wandering honey or are we really lost?

It’s made from organic cotton and recycled poly mesh which is all good earth loving stuff to me. He loves that it keeps his eyes shaded and his hair hidden on those big hair, roll out of bed days. And we both love the sentiment. If there is one thing we can agree on it’s that wandering it good. And if you can find good threads like these to wander in, well who can argue with that?


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