Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adrienne's Week of Soul Flower Fashion

Shortly after the new year, our bud, Adrienne, began posting pictures on our Facebook wall of her "Week of Soul Flower." She spent 7 days wearing Soul Flower gear, old and new, and had us all completely entertained. And, since we had never known Adrienne personally until this week, we just had to ask:

What inspired your week of Soul Flower??
I am a busy stay-at-home wife and mom to 2 boys, so its easy to forget to take time out for myself, especially during the Holidays when my attentions are on the home, family, food, gifts and spending lots of fun time together. This week of playfulness was a small thing I could do just for me. It gave me a fun reason to plan great outfits and look at my clothes in all new combinations. I paired summer things with winter stuff in ways I would have never thought of otherwise. Plus I always love a reason to take my picture (dorky I know) and show off the beautiful area where I live. I had a great time planning cute shots and the fun I had with my son taking my pictures.

Your 5 year-old took some of your pictures for you, and did an impressive job! What was their favorite outfit of mom's?

Ha! My son, Mason, loves to take pictures, of anything!  He loved being the photographer and says that taking the pics was his favorite part. I got him to say that he likes my "fancy clothes" and he said my earrings are his favorite. Mason would be happy if we all wore BMX or skateboarder gear all the time, but Im working on him.

Out of all the online stores out there, why us?? Cuz we're awfully flattered!
Because youre the best of course!!  I dont remember how I first found Soul Flower online but I know I loved it right away. Ive been shopping from them for about 3 years now. There was an issue once, long long ago, with a pair of knitted gloves I had ordered and they had to be sent back for an exchange. My package showed up to Soul Flower torn and empty :(  I actually received a phone call from them saying what had happened and how the envelope arrived with no item in it to return, and that they were still going to send me out a new pair (because SF is awesome)! I remember that this all went down during the Holiday season and I was so impressed with the awesome customer service, and the friendly phone call from an actual person, here in the actual USA, and they sounded like such cool people...I was hooked!

Soul Flower has consistently offered amazingly cute things at reasonable prices, and have always had renewable, organic, recycled, Earth friendly stuff.The catalogs are always beautiful and super artful, and I love getting them and passing them on. Another thing I absolutely love is when I get a package from Soul Flower, most of the time there is a short handwritten note or hello on my reciept....that makes my day to know that someone actually cares enough to say hi & spread some joy while they were packing up my stuff. Did I mention the awesome customer service??

What inspires your overall style?
I would definitely say comfort first of all! If something looks amazing but isnt comfy, it wont last 5 minutes. I live in a mild, coastal climate so the ability to layer is another big thing for me. Im a pretty basic girl, I dont like super feminine things or super tough things either. Im my most happy in an old pair of Levis and a few great shirts, with an amazing pair of boots of course. That is one of my big weaknesses, I have tons of pairs.
Im not a big fan of synthetic fibers, so I really appreciate that Soulflower offers so many choices in natural & organic.

What's your favorite quote?
My first one would be 'Forever and a Day', that is something that I share with my husband and it is special to both of us.
Another that really is true for me is 'Let go, laughing', its from my favorite song by Sugarland called It Happens. Its all about how life happens, good and bad, and how you cant do anything to change it so all you can do is let go, laughing. I love it!

I had a great week with this and I cant wait to do a spring/summer edition! Thanks Soul Flower :)


Interviewed by Jacqueline Lee


  1. I laughed at "...the friendly phone call from an actual person, here in the actual USA, and they sounded like such cool people"!

    The buds at Soul Flower are cool people, and Adrienne is proof that their customers are, too :)

  2. Adrienne, you're adorable! Now I know your style secret! And "Let go laughing" is such good advice for life!


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