Monday, June 11, 2012

Upcycle Old T-Shirts Into Pillows! (Chance to WIN one, too!)

Did the pillows in our Spring/Summer 2012 catalog look familiar? Perhaps they reminded you of our tapestries and T-shirts? Because that's exactly what they are! Our bud, Karly, took our slightly damaged Soul Flower tees and tapestries and upcycled them into the most adorable pillows for our photoshoot. 

Tapestries and T-shirts turned pillows - oh my!
It started out with a simple daydream of an amazing indoor fort with tons of pillows sprawled about. Once we had that in our heads, there was no turning just can't forget an idea that cozy! So at first we were asking each other to bring whatever couch pillows we have at home, but then Karly pipped in with an even better idea - she could turn our old T-shirts into pillows!

Best part is, she says it's easy, so you can do this very pillow upcycle in your own home! 

Here's a simple tutorial from Ruffles & Stuff that you can follow in order to turn your old Soul Flower favorites into pillows, too. 

Better yet, two of you won't even have to make your own - we're giving a couple away!
One winner will receive our one-of-a-kind Take a Hike pillow, and the second winner will snag our handmade Be Yourself Pillow with butterflies.

The designs on each of these pillows are Soul Flower originals and are hand drawn.

For a chance to win, simply  leave a friendly comment below sharing which pillow you would like & why. We'll randomly select 2 lucky winners on Thursday June 14, 2012! :)


  1. I would like the pillow that says Take a Hike, because I would like to take a hike every day, and so it is inspirational!

  2. Be yourself. Enuf said.

  3. I would love to have the butterfly one because I personally need a daily reminder to 'Be Yourself'

  4. Love the be yourself pillow. Its what I strive for every day and what I teach my kids :-)

  5. I like the take a hike pillow because I live near Mt. Monadnock in NH and climbing that mountain is both exhilarating and motivational. This funky pillow would keep the spirits alive & high!

  6. LOVE the butterfly pillow - the little yellow butterfly just pops out in front of the rest! :)

  7. Friendly comment? How about FLATTERING COMMENT! LOVE love LoVe the pillow project and the idea of upcycling! Soulflower is not only a great store but a responsible one! Kudos and Karma to KARLY! Now if only you could get in the shirt I want that is out-of-stock!!! I have an e-mail notice flagged for when it comes back in! CHEERS!

  8. I would like the butterfly pillow. I just turned 30 and spent my entire 20's searching for answers to my life and who I am. I recently realized that my life is about creating myself not finding myself. I'm working on practicing self-love, finding self-worth and, just like a butterfly, transforming into someone that I think is beautiful.

    Butterflies also hold a special place in my heart as it reminds me of my great-grandparents. They had a mirror in their home with butterflies on it when I was growing up and it's one of the things I remember most about being at their home.

  9. I love the butterfly pillow at the bottom. I think it would make a beautiful gift for my 15 year old cousin, who is just figuring out who she is. -Stephanie Palermo

  10. I would love the butterfly pillow, because butterflies always make me smile..guaranteed sweet nap dreams!

  11. How sweet and thoughtful!!! These are so neat!! As i have finally stopped moving around so much, I'd love to win one of these pillows to add to the coziness of our new place-- and for great ideas of how to recycle some of my boyfriends many great t-shirts!!

  12. I would love the Take a Hike pillow. Nature has been a huge inspiration to me and this pillow will always remind me of the sweet relationship one can have with nature by taking a hike.

    love and good vibes :)

  13. I love them both, but the butterfly "be yourself" pillow is so symbolic to me. At 36 I am finishing up massage therapy school. I've wanted to do this forever, but never had the guts. I am doing something that is sort of out of the norm as a career choice...and as a mom, I am showing my kids that you can do anything you want at any stage of life if you put your mind to it. It's so freeing, this being yourself thing. :)

    1. Hi firefly76! You have WON the Be Yourself pillow! It will be announced later today on Facebook. Please email your name and shipping info to

  14. LOVE the little circular pillow - "Pick Flowers ... Not Fights". :) My granddaughter (who already has the Tee !) would love it :)

  15. Butterfly! It's so beautiful. I need a cute pillow badly for my couch!

  16. Great job with the pillows! Excellent Idea! They are both hard to choose from, however I would go with the "Take a Hike" pillow because that's what I wish I was doing right now!

  17. This is an amazing idea and so beautiful of you to share it with everyone <3 I'm a huge nature lover but tend to get stuck a lot of the time. I would much enjoy the take a hike pillow to remind me of what nature does for me when I am able to enjoy it.

  18. I love the butterflies and reminder to "Be Yourself". Thank you!

  19. This is an amazing idea and so beautiful of you to share it with everyone <3 I'm a huge nature lover but tend to get stuck a lot of the time. I would much enjoy the take a hike pillow to remind me of what nature does for me when I am able to enjoy it.

  20. I've always felt that I wasn't good enough, I just couldn't do anything right, everything that went wrong was my fault, that I was defective somehow. I am now learning how to love myself, accept myself, and I'm realizing that It's okay to be me. So having said this, I would love the pillow that says...Be Yourself!

  21. Be yourself! We actually make tshirt quilts out of old concert shirts :0)

  22. Awesome post! I love upcycling and repurposing things. I'll have to try this with some of my old shirts.I'd love the take a hike one. It would be a nice reminder to enjoy the outdoors. :)

  23. LOVE the "Be Yourself" best but "Take a Hike" is a great one too. Mostly I love the idea of upcycling/recycling and saving the planet's precious resources!

  24. I would love the butterfly pillow! Butterflies have been appearing before me at the most opportune times. I've been overcoming divorce and hardships related to that. Just when I want to throw up my hands and give up, a beautiful butterfly will land by me. Often when I'm running, my iPod will shuffle to this butterfly song. It reminds me keep my head up and keep flying...

    You are like a butterfly
    A Catipillars dream to fly
    So bust out of this old cocoon
    And dry your wings off
    Go ahead, and fly

    Its always such a lonely loom
    Its sudden like a broken bone
    And your luck wont always come along
    So dry your tears away
    Go ahead and fly

    Dry your tears away
    Don't you, Cry

  25. LOVE them both! But I would have to choose the Take A Hike one because I love the outdoors and I also love the colors on that one! What a great idea!

  26. I would like "Take a Hike" pillow because as I am molding into a healthier diabetic and woman, I would love to be reminded of one of my favorite outdoor activities ! =)

  27. I would love the take a hike pillow. I love the scence with the sunshine over the mountains! So peaceful!! That is a great idea about turning old tee's into pillows I never woulda thought of. I think I may need to do that with some of my favorite tee's that dont fit!! <3 soul-flower

    Amanda M

  28. I would like the butterfly (be yourself) pillow! We are all "becoming more ourselves." Ram Dass says that it is important to "allow the caterpillarness" in life because without it, we cannot be butterflies. Richard Bach stated “what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” So as we chillax in our cocoons, let's have tea and a comfy nap in our jammies. Thank you and love to all ♥

  29. I would love the Butterfly pillow...Just love the freeness it reminds me of! I love the shirts as well and own the mushroom one and the Treehugger one along with a couple other tunics....Thank you for this opportunity...

  30. Love the take a hike pillow =) 1. I wear that shirt too often! 2. It matches my house decor 3. Inspires me to get up and out!

  31. Love the take a hike pillow =) 1. I wear that shirt too often! 2. It matches my house decor 3. Inspires me to get up and out!

  32. I would like the "Be Yourself" butterfly pillow so I can give it to my baby girl with spina bifida so she knows it's okay for her to be herself!!!!

    Cassie L

  33. I would really love the 'Take a Hike' pillow. I'm an environmental science major and a HUGE nature lover. Hiking is one of my favorite hobbies and this pillow would put a smile on my face on the days I couldn't go.

  34. I would like the pillow that says "Take a Hike" because I would like to take a hike every day, and so it would be inspirational to me!

  35. Love the design on the "take a hike" pillow! It would look great in my giant beanbag :)

    Jenny L.

  36. My 7 year old daughter has had many illness's. We have found that a daily hike or walk in the woods allow her to naturally relax and take her mind off some of the issues. I would love this pillow for her room to remind her how she feels when we "take a hike" :)

  37. I would really like the "Be yourself" pillow. I love it! I just bought a new house and I am slowing building up the decor. I have just created a record room full of vinyl records and a comfy leather couch. I have been looking for a pillow to decorate the room nicely and this pillow would be perfect.


  38. I love Butterflies and Turquoise is my favorite color, ergo, "be yourself," is the pillow that would make me the happiest. :) Thanks!

  39. I can see myself relaxing in my hammick with the 'be yourself' pillow :)

  40. great idea!!! i've been working on a collection of old t's to make a patchwork skirt out of - maybe i should make pillows!

  41. I would like the Take a hike pillow. Love it. We go for long walks and hikes almost everyday as a family. Thanks for a chance at this giveaway :)

  42. That 'Be Yourself' pillow would look lovely on my new bed! It matches my new bedspread with the aqua and yellow. Plus I've always had a soft spot for butterflies!

  43. I would love the take a hike pillow!

    I love upcycling, i make alot of my daughters clothing. And about to start selling upcycled tshirts!

    My daughter stained my 'what the world needs now' tshirt and its unwearable which i was so upset about, but i know now what i'm going to do with it!

    Thank you. :)

  44. Both of these pillows send a great message to everyone out there, however the "Take a Hike" pillow would be an amazing addition to my slowly growing apartment I'm putting together. Both of these pillows send a great message to everyone out there. In a busy world of increasing materialistic satisfactions, this pillow brings a reminder that nature will always be the best nurturing food for one's soul.

  45. I'd love the take a hike pillow, what better inspiration than to get out and let nature refresh your creative mind.

  46. Take a hike! My husband and I moved from Chicago to Sisters, Oregon, a little mountain town, and we're learning how to do just that. ;)

  47. Be Yourself would look perfect on my bed! Plus, I could use the moral support - why is it so hard to be yourself sometimes!?


  49. I would love the Take a Hike one. We try to hike as often as we can, but since we moved downtown, we don't have a good view of the mountains anymore. :)

  50. Hello!! I am to tell you that I try to be myself everyday! Some may not like me because of it, but it is the TRUTH and important factor in my life.The butterfly is a symbol in my life, because it is is a reminder of my son that I lost 13 years ago. He was a baby and I believe that it is a sign that his spirit is still with me. I have to believe that. So having the Be Yourself pillow with the butterflies would complete me in Every way. Thank You. Peace and Love Always!!!! :))

  51. I would love the Take A Hike pillow. It goes with the button I have from you. My favorite activities are camping, hiking and photography of what Mother Nature has to offer. With both parent's being amputees, I feel very blessed that I can travel where the gravel ends...and try to never take that for granted. The pillow also reminds me of my best friend in CO and how I love to go visit her from FL.

  52. I would love the "Take a Hike" pillow because I would love a little inspiration to be more active and enjoy nature every day. I live in the Rockies and, really there's no excuse, but this would be a friendly, bright and cheerful reminder for me to have around.

  53. These are adorable! The Take a Hike pillow is perfect! Hiking and being in nature is the best kind of recharge for me. <3 Thanks for a fun giveaway.

  54. I would love the Take a Hike pillow because I love being outside in the nature! I have 2 little boys and we go on hikes as much as possible!

    1. Hi Jon! You have WON the Take a Hike pillow! It will be announced later today on Facebook. Please email your shipping info to

  55. Hi Soulflower! Love your upcycle pillows! I am particularly fond of the "Take a Hike" one! I live in Upstate NY & hiking is one of my favorite pastimes. I love nature here anytime of the year, and it would be awesome to have your pillow adorning my sofa!

  56. Absolutely inspirational! I have a bag of old tee shirts, and just found a great way to recycle them...thanx!
    Having a butterfly tatoo, would lead me to choose the "Be Yourself" pillow. The colors are perfect and blend with my decor and my belief!

  57. I would love a chance to win the butterfly pillow. I think it is so adorable and it matches my bed set. Soulflower has the cutest clothing and accessories and their tee shirt material is so soft. <3 it keep up the creativity!

  58. I would love the butterfly pillow for my will help remind her how beautiful she is, how much love she has to give, and how to remain true to herself.

  59. This is a great way to retire old well loved tee shirts and still get to see them all the time I love it!!! and have a few in mind to try it with :)

  60. I love both of them! I have some really old Phish tour tshirts I'd love to do this with...I'm just scared to cut them lol. Some of them are 15 years old!

  61. I love this idea! I have a few tapestries that have seen better days but I just can't get myself to throw them out...looks like a lil side project is in order! Both of these pillows are just as awesome as they were in t-shirt form. I LOVE to hike! Instead of having girls night, me & my friend go hiking once a week. It's great exercise, good conversation, & the views are always amazing!

  62. Such a fun idea!
    I dig the 'Take a Hike' pillow. A nice little reminder to go outside never hurts :]
    Also I think it's good to surround ourselves with positivity and that's a very happy looking pillow :P Thanks!

  63. I love the "Be yourself" pillow! It's so freakin' cute and I love the message! :)

  64. definitely the "take a hike: pillow! great composition, color and message. plus, hiking is a big part of my life and i'd love to show it on a pillow!

  65. I love the be yourself pillow, its very eye catching and just looks great overall. I think the message 'be yourself'is fantastic as I am still trying to figure out who I am as a person.I would love to win won, hopefully the competition is open to people overseas too?, i'm in Australia.

  66. I love both pillows! Either would be wonderful to win! I love the entire soul-flower line and wish I could just buy up everything. I love how eco-friendly everything is. Soul-flower should come up with a cloth diaper line. I think THAT would be wonderful :) Love you guys! --Kayte

  67. I love both the "Be Yourself" & "What the World Needs Now" pillows because they're both positive messages, and I think spreading/encouraging positivity is needed more than focuing on the negative. Love the butterflies - metamorphosis partners well with the message. And the other pillow's got me singing the song!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I would love to win the Take a Hike pillow. It's a message and design that I think is really beautiful. Thanks!

  70. I would love the Be Yourself pillow. I'm going through a lot of changes in my life right now, and having that pillow would remind me that I'm making these changes for the right reason. I have to be true to myself for the sake of myself, and my kids.

  71. CONGRATS!! FIREFLY76, you have won the Be Yourself pillow, and JON IRVIN, the Take a Hike. :) Please send your shipping info to to collect your win!! :)

    Thanks to all who participated!!


Leave a comment & rock on!