Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apple Orchard Photoshoot

This year we were lucky enough to do our photoshoot at the Minnetonka Orchards. And to top it all off, we had perfectly warm, sunny weather, great friends and wonderful models. That we have one hell of a photographer never hurts either. (We love ya, Jenn! :)

Here's a few apple orchard outtakes; a perfect fall day full of deliciously crisp, sun-warmed apples (...gosh, I could go for one now!) and tons of fun in our favorite Soul Flower fashions!
This beauty of an apple pic is thanks to Bri!

Beautiful Butterfly!

And two of our models are an engaged couple! How cute is that!? :)

To follow more of our behind the scene photos check us out on Tumblr

Peace, Love and Apples!
JacQ and your buds at Soul Flower

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