Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Good Luck Charms

It's not on purpose, but a lot of the necklaces we have at Soul Flower right now make perfect good luck charms!

When I buy jewelry, I like for it to mean something. It should be special. The best jewelry I own reminds me of either someone I love (my aunt gave me this necklace!), a special time (I bought this bracelet during my trip to Europe!), or remind me of a goal I have (this pendant reminds me to stay calm & go with the flow...)

The best thing about these necklaces is they can mean anything you want!

Wear the Fatima Hand Necklace as a sign of protection, or to remind you of the power of using your hands when creating art.

Give the Take Aim Necklace as a gift to the one who captured your heart, or wear it to remind you to "shoot straight" while working toward your goals.

Forget Me Not: the perfect gift for someone unforgettable, or a reminder to never forget to notice the beauty all around you.

Whichever charm you choose, attaching your own special meaning to it makes it all the more special. Whether you keep it secret (even though life seems crazy, I'm on the right path) or show off your message to the world (I'm a treehugger!), there's a charm for everything. We hope they bring you good luck!

{ See all necklaces here }

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