Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lotus Stack Organic Maxi Worn Short or Long

Oh Autumn, you go so well with my Lotus Stack Organic Maxi! With your beautiful colors and the slight chill of the season, you make my outfit so easy.

This Skirt Dances to the Song that is Autumn!
This skirt brought comfort from my travels up north to Cape Cod all the way down to Stoney Brook State Park in upstate New York; all while bringing great color to my already beautiful surroundings. It swayed and danced in the ocean breeze of the Cape and kept me warm in the brisk air; I loved how it felt as the wind whipped it around. There's something about being on an empty beach in front of a beautiful windy sea; with your hair swirling and the waves crashing, I couldn't have picked a more perfect skirt for the occasion. I took a deep breath of salty air and felt so thankful and happy.

I wore the skirt again hiking with my dogs in Stony Brook State Park. I rolled it up so my knees could lift easier and to keep it out of the water. The lotus flowers go all the way down to the bottom of the skirt, so it looked great at a shorter length too. It was a warm day and it kept me cool enough all the way into the evening, and when the temperature dropped I rolled it back down to keep me warm throughout the rest of the night.

Roll the waistband for a shorter skirt!
I like the skirt a lot, I think its just lovely, and it's so wonderfully versatile. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to look good, while being able to relax and be yourself.

Lotus Stack Organic Maxi Skirt
I hope you are all appreciating this beautiful season and taking advantage of these last few warm, sunny days. There is so much to be thankful for and so much to smile about. Look around, the world is beautiful; and so are you.
Peace & Happiness to You All,


  1. so cool to wear it short, I never thought about that soul flower :)

  2. Thanks for your beautiful review!


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