Monday, December 10, 2012

Wrapping Gifts with Nature

We're LOVING Alisa Burke's Wrapping with Nature gift ideas. Can you imagine receiving a present like this? So perfect! The best part is that all you need to accomplish such gorgeous gift wrapping is a paper bag and some outdoor goodies such as twigs, pine cones, or leaves - the only potential cost would be for string or paints, other than that, this wrapping project is free. sAweetness! 

Twigs and branches can easily be altered and used in gift wrapping with paint or thread-

1. Use embroidery floss and wrap it around a branch. 2. Wrap driftwood with colorful twine. 3. Pair sticks and branches with feathers and wrap together with thread or ribbon. 4. Paint twigs with stripes and dots. 5. Paint branches an unexpected color.

Paint Leaves!

Check out more awesome Wrapping with Nature gift ideas over at Alisa Burke's blog Redifine Creativity

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