Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to Use Soul Flower's New Eco Icons

Hey hey buds,

Recently we created a set of eco icons to help define the products on our site. The fun thing about eco icons is that they are pretty cute. But the beneficial side of eco icons is that they can help you find out about a product nice and quick. 

Here are the eco icons you will find throughout our site
Product questions such as: Is this item organic? Was it made in the USA? What is hemp, and how is it eco-friendly?...All such questions can be answered by a products particular set of eco icons.

Soul Flower's new eco icons can be found within the product description right below the price. Some products might have only 2 icons, others may have 5 - it all just depends on the product.

For instance, the Celestial Skater Dress has the eco icons of: organic cotton, made in the USA, low-impact dyes and Soul Flower Original. 

Here is a zoom in of those particular icons.

When you wand over an eco icon, the title of that icon will appear. Here we rolled over the star icon, and the title 'Soul Flower Original' popped up.

What's a Soul Flower Original? Well, we're so glad you asked! :)

SFO Eco Icon

To find out what any product's eco icon means, simply click the icon and a fuller description will appear in a pop-up box. Poof!

Also, if you would prefer a short, one sentence summary of all our eco icons, simply click on "view our eco guide," (located at the end of any eco icon description, or at the bottom of our web page).

So that's that. :) We hope our new eco icons make your shopping experience better, and make it easier to select products that match your lifestyle. 

If you have any questions, or need further help navigating our website, please don't hesitate to ask! 
 aka 'handmade eco icon' ;)

Your buds at Soul Flower

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