I saw your blog post about volunteer week. I am the volunteer coordinator for my son's elementary school garden program. Our school garden teaches kids about healthy food, climate change, the eco system, sustainability and of course organic gardening. Each grade Pre-K through 5th grade has a lesson in the garden twice a year.
First Grade planting lettuce in hoop houses in the Annex
Garden, April 4th, 2013
This one is actually me, after a long work day with some
Girl Scouts. We painted the flower boxes we are a posing with. (I'm on
the left, sitting down & that's my son in the middle)
My son posing with my "Volunteer Tea" rose (my
reward from the school for volunteering, lol) in front of the Annex Garden
where the lettuce is planted. We plant the lettuce on the East side of
the school because we have such strong winds here in Colorado. The
lettuce is harvested by the 2nd graders and eaten as part of Rainbow Day inMay. Last year we had a record harvest of about 90 lbs!
This is the garden last fall. As you can see, this
path is not even very accessible for kids with disabilities.
This is where the new path is to be laid. (those yucky
tiles are being replaced too)
The garden in bloom!
Btw, this is what it looked like before I took the reigns as
the coordinator. There had been no one in charge before me, and the
program was in jeopardy of being dismantled. (That's not going
to happen now! =)
In addition to the garden, I also volunteer as part of the Green Team. Basically I oversee the Waste Station during lunch in the school cafeteria one day a week. I help kids sort their recycling trash, and compost. Since this program was initiated, our school has been honored as a Green Star school.
Parents and teachers often thank me for doing what I do, but why I really do it is because I believe that the way to leave a better planet for our youth, is to teach the youth to treat the planet better. Plus, I love being involved in my son's education by getting to know the teachers and students that are a part of a major part of his life =)
I hope you enjoyed my story!
Anne Spear
By the way, buds, there are still more $25 coupon codes to be claimed, so feel free to enter our Kindness Matters Giveaway and share your volunteer story and photo with us.
For more information on how to enter, please click here! :)
For more information on how to enter, please click here! :)
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